Rings Island Software Apps

Locate Indian MC Dealers 1.20
Simple, Fast, and Ad Free app to visually locate Indian MotorcycleDealers world-wide. On start-up, the app will display the 340+Indian Motorcycle Dealer Locations on a Google Map. The app willthen zoom-in to your location (assuming you have your device'sLocation Services enabled) to help you visually see the dealers inyour area. Pan/Zoom to explore all the world-wide dealer locations.Tap a Dealer marker and an info box will pop-up with all theDealer's Info - Name, Address, Phone, Product & Services,Hours, etc. The info box also has helper buttons to Call, visit theDealer's website (if they have one), or fire up Google Maps withdriving directions (if possible). App also provides a "Stats" menuoption that lists dealer counts by Country and Country/State. -First start-up of app after install requires a few seconds toprepare data, subsequent starts will be faster. - This app requiresan internet connection (Cellular or Wireless) for the Googlemapping services. - This application requires Google Play Serviceson your phone (it will let you know if you don't) - For locationdetection and tracking on the map, the device's Location Servicesmust be enabled. - If location cannot be determined, the map willbe zoomed to the Indian assembly plant in Spirit Lake, Iowa. - Apponly displays official Indian Motorcycle dealerships, as can befound on the Indian Motorcycle web site. - The dealer informationis pre-loaded into the app and will receive updates periodicallywith new releases. - The Publisher of this app is not affiliatedwith Indian Motorcycles. Feedback Welcome!
Locate Harley Dealers 3.3
Simple, Fast, and Ad Free app to visually locate Harley-DavidsonDealers world-wide. Also supports Dealer Visit Logging. Onstart-up, the app will display the 1600+ world-wide Harley-DavidsonDealer Locations on a Google Map. The app will then zoom-in to yourlocation (assuming you have your device's Location Servicesenabled) to help you visually see the dealers in your area.Pan/Zoom to explore all the dealer locations. Tap a Dealer markerand an info box will pop-up with all the Dealer's Info - Name,Address, Phone, Product & Services, Visit Log Entries, etc. Theinfo box also has helper buttons to Call, visit the Dealer'swebsite (if they have one), fire up Google Maps with drivingdirections (if possible), or Log a Dealer Visit. NEW in Release 2.0- Dealer Visit Logging! This often requested capability is nowincluded. You can now Log a visit, with comments, at any Dealer onthe map. The map marker will display a check mark for any dealerwith one or more log entries. A new List menu option will displayall logged visits chronologically descending. Supports Export andImport menu options for extracting/saving log or bulk loading asaved or manually created log. Use the Help menu option for fullexplanations of all logging capabilities. - This app requires aninternet connection (Cellular or Wireless) for the Google mappingservices. - This application requires Google Play Services on yourphone (it will let you know if you don't) - This applicationrequires your device's Location Services to be enabled.Additionally, it requires APP-level permission to use the LocationServices. For phones running Android 6.0+, App-level permissionwill be requested at run-time. Prior versions of Android willrequire permission at install-time. - Dealer Visit Log resides onlyon device with app and is not visible to anyone else. - App onlydisplays official Harley-Davidson dealerships, as can be found onthe Harley-Davidson web site. - Markers with RO indicate an HDretail merchandise and accessories only store (i.e. no motorcycles)- The dealer information is pre-loaded into the app and willreceive updates periodically with new releases. - The Publisher ofthis app is not affiliated with Harley-Davidson. Feedback Welcome!